Harvest season in Seedpia
Speed the swelting green summer and now there are golden waves in the field. It's harvest time in Seedpia! <summer season view>

Participate The 15th World Korean Business Convention
Seedpia had participated in the 15th World Korean Business Convention on Sept. 27-29 at International Convention Center, Jeju. We had...
우리쌀 시장을 변화시켜 보자
기사보기<식품저널 인터넷식품신문>
[문정훈의 미래의 밥상]찌개엔 백진주벼, 카레엔 삼광벼
기사보기 <중앙일보>

2016 Seedpia Rice Sowing and Planting
We have finished the rice sowing and planting for the year 2016. Thank you to all who participated in the process. Basked in your...
향이 나는 쌀 "골든퀸"_(주)시드피아 조유현 대표
기사보기<흙살림 푸드>
유성서 대전지역 첫 모내기
기사보기<연합뉴스> 기사보기<대전일보> 기사보기<중도일보> 기사보기<브레이크뉴스>

2016 FISK
2016 FISK was held at aT center (Yangjae-dong,Seoul) 0n April. 20th supervised by Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries...